Blood testing & hormonal Analysis
At SFE we want to make sure that as you are training towards your goals, that we are doing so knowing all the facts.
We have learnt over the years and with working with many individuals of all ages and abilities that it can be easy to not always know what is going on i the body from outside looking in.
This is why we suggest at some point in your training journey that having a blood test can provide insights into any health concerns that might affect your performance, like iron levels and nutrient status.
Also allowing us all to examine any hormonal markers like cortisol and other hormones that can also help gauge your recovery efficiency.
We have laid out the step by step process below to hopefully make things easier to understand and obviously if you have any questions just ask at any time.
How it works.
You can order your blood test by completing the form using the button below
For more information, simply follow the step by step process below
Sample Client Blood Test Results
Here is an example of one part of the full analysis that you will receive after you have completed your test.
Each blood & hormonal marker will be individually rated on a scale for us to discuss
All of these values can be explained in more detail by Dr Ruth Wilde
Sample Client Test Feedback
Here is an example of the written feedback you will receive from your first performance blood test with SFE.
Dr Ruth Wilde will receive your blood test results, whihc she will review and send you an individuaised review and brief analysis
It is important to note, that this is the unique aspect of this service, as usually you would only receive a generic response alongside your data, whereas Dr Ruth will have collaborated with us your SFE coaches to ensure the feedback is personalised.
Further analysis and feedback is always an option after you have recieved your results.
Any questions just ask
The Importance of Blood & Hormonal Status - Lowri Bowen - SFE Member Hot seat
We sit down with SFE member Lowri to discuss how she recently was struggling with energy for her Ironman Triathlon training and was simply putting it down to general fatigue.
However after having a blood test she found out that she was low in several key markers and that she just needed to make some quality changes to her lifestyle
Listen in as she breaks this all down for us
Step by step process to completing your SFE Blood test
Step 1
Contact your GP surgery (before continuing) to ask whether the practice nurse will take blood samples for Medichecks.
Some GP practices offer this service and it is free of charge.
Other phlebotomy options via Medichecks incur a cost and need to be selected at the time of ordering the test kit.
Step 2
Enter the following details into this webform:
a) Full name
b) Date of birth
c) Address including postcode
d) Email address
e) Phone number
Step 3
Select preferred phlebotomy (blood taken) method:
a) Own GP surgery (you must have checked with them first). No charge.
b) Attend closest Medichecks partner clinic (you will be provided with a phone number to call and book this appointment once the blood kit has been ordered). Cost £35.
c) Home phlebotomy service (a nurse from Medichecks will contact you to arrange this once the blood kit as been ordered). Cost £59.
Step 4
Confirm consent for Dr Ruth Wilde to order Medichecks Ultimate Performance blood test kit and receive results on your behalf. £175.
step 5
Make a payment
This service is not included in your current SFE training subscription, as similar to Physiotherapy it is an additional professional service
Step 6
The blood test kit from Medichecks should arrive within 3-5 working days. You will need to have it available for your phlebotomy appointment.
The phlebotomy appointment should be booked for Monday to Thursday as close to 9am as possible. You will need to fast from midnight the night before your test but drinking water on the morning of the test is permitted and encouraged. You are responsible for posting the kit back in the prepaid envelope following the test; it can be placed into a regular mail box or taken to the Post Office to ensure collection on the same day.
Step 7
When the blood results are available these will be reviewed by Dr Ruth Wilde and sent back to you via email with brief summary comments and an indication of readiness to train.
If there are any areas of concern, Dr Wilde will highlight these to you and either offer you an appointment to discuss them or signpost you to the relevant health professional.
Please note that an online appointment with Dr Wilde will incur a cost: